5+1YR Colombia Manos / 10 oz

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5+1YR Colombia Manos / 10 oz


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COUNTRY: Colombia
FARM: 8 producers delivering to Manos Juntas Micromill
VARIETY: Castillo, Colombia, F6
ALTITUDE: 1950–2100 masl
PROCESS: Natural

This particular offering was first purchased in its cherry form when delivered to the mill by eight local producers, on the day of harvest. Upon arrival, the Brix and pH were recorded, and the cherries are placed in large hermetic tanks for a five-day-long anaerobic fermentation: During this period, nitrogen gas is introduced into the tanks in order to stimulate the yeast. Brix and pH are measured constantly through this process and are used to determine the stopping point for fermentation; the coffee is then subjected to 20°C temperatures in order to cease fermentation and remove the yeast and other microorganisms. The cherry is then "aged" in tanks for a period of five more days before they are taken to solar dryers. Drying takes 30–45 days.

NOTES:  Sweet and smooth with winey acidity, lots of rich chocolate and citrus fruit flavors.

Thanks so much for helping us get to 5+1 years!