If you have an AeroPress you are probably pretty serious about coffee. It is among the nerdiest of coffee toys. It looks like something out of a chemistry lab. And it can make a mean
good cup. There are 4,000 different ways to use this thing (none of which is to make espresso). Here is our suggestion.
Receiving Vessel
If you're a coffee geek: Scale and Timer
(a touch finer than table salt)
The name of the apparatus might suggest the use of a fine espresso grind, but we are treating the thing more like a cross between a French press and filtercone. The same grind you would use for a filtercone will work here, maybe a bit finer. If you feel too much resistance while plunging, you have gone too fine. Dial it back.
Many Aeropress recipes call for a coffee/water ratio higher than one usually used for other brew methods. While these might be necessary with a shortened brew time, we prefer to stretch ours out and, therefore, use a ratio similar to one we would use for a filtercone.
Coffee / Water Ratio
16 g / 250 mL
2 big tbsp / 9 oz
- Bring clean water to 205˚F (96˚C) or just off boil.
- Grind your fresh beans.
- Assemble Aeropress with filter (minus plunger), place atop vessel and scale.
- Thoroughly rinse filter with hot water to remove any residue and warm the device and vessel. Discard water.
- Add ground coffee and tare the scale.
- Start timer. Pour enough water to saturate the grounds (about 30 g / 1 oz).
- Give it a quick stir then let it sit for 30".
- Slowly pour in the remainder of the water (up to about the number 4) and place plunger in top just enough to seal it.
- At about 1'45", remove plunger and give the coffee another quick stir.
- Replace plunger and begin slowly depressing. Stop when you hear a hissing sound. Your plunge should take about 30" with a total brew time near 2'30".
The AeroPress is one of the most versatile pieces of coffee brewing equipment out there. It allows total control of all the important factors - water temperature, grind size, brew time - and introduces a new variable in pressure. Plus it's super durable and compact. The above procedure treats the device like a filtercone, with little emphasis placed on the pressure exerted during the plunge. This allows for an extended brew time (less need for precision) with the benefit of a total immersion brew as found with a French press or Clever dripper. We think it works great, but as with all techniques, adjust it to suit your taste.